Status Audio Magazine

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Connections / Episode 6: The US Congress, Israel, and the Palestinians with Lara Friedman

Episode 6: The US Congress, Israel, and the Palestinians with Lara Friedman
{{langos=='en'?('17/06/2021' | todate):('17/06/2021' | artodate)}} - Issue 8.2
Hosted by Mouin Rabbani

Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani interviewed Lara Friedman about the role of the US Congress in formulating Washington's policy towards Israel and the Palestinians. Existing and proposed legislation and its impact on US policy options is examined. This episode of Connections Podcast also discusses the significance of growing Congressional criticism of US support for Israel and its policies towards the Palestinians.



Lara Friedman
Lara Friedman

President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace in Washington, DC.

Lara Friedman is President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace in Washington, DC. She is a leading authority on US foreign policy in the Middle East, with particular expertise on the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israeli settlements, Jerusalem, and the role of the US Congress. She is published widely in the US and international press and is regularly consulted by members of Congress and their staff, diplomats, and journalists. Previously with the US State Department, she was a Foreign Service Officer in Jerusalem, Washington, Tunis, and Beirut.

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