Status Audio Magazine

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Migration, aesthetic resistance, and decolonizing films: A Discussion with Farah Atoui & Katty Alhayek

Farah Atoui

Photo: A screenshot from Razan Alsalah's experimental film essay "Canada Park". (FB / Regards palestiniens)
Interviewed by Katty Alhayek
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Host Katty Alhayek speaks with Farah Atoui about her work in relation to questions of migration, solidarity, and decolonial creative processes and practices.


Farah Atoui
Farah Atoui

Her doctoral research investigates the visual culture of the current so-called migration/refugee crisis.

Farah Atoui is a Ph.D. Candidate in Communication Studies at McGill University, Montreal. Her doctoral research investigates the visual culture of the current so- called migration/refugee crisis. She is also an independent programmer/curator, and a member of the Regards Palestiniens and Regards Syriens screening collectives.

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