Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Far3i: before and after 2011

El Far3i

Photo: The Palestinian / Jordanian musician El Far3i.
Interviewed by Mohamad-Ali Nayel
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Palestinian/Jordanian songwriter, rapper, drummer, and producer known as Far3i talks about how the wave of Arab uprisings in 2011 brought with it new sounds and musical novelties that became fixed music genres. In this two part interview we talk with Far3i about how these new musical acts became individual and collective experiences encompassing the whole Arab world and beyond.


 El Far3i
El Far3i

El Far3i is a Palestinian and Jordanian songwriter, rapper, drummer, and producer from Amman, Jordan.

With multi-fold projects in his music archive, El Far3i is a Palestinian and Jordanian songwriter, rapper, drummer, and producer from Amman, Jordan. Known for his dichotomous solo act El Far3i/ Far3 El Madakhil, he enmeshes Arab acoustic folk and hip-hop and continues to experiment sonically, evolving into the more recent forked axis, El Far3i Flux. This brand encapsulates the essence of both the versatility of styles and the complexity of ideas. It is a space within which a sense of freedom exists, enabling experimentations with different tools, instruments, and writing techniques... A vision rooted in the ideals of independence, yet branches out to reflect the journey. Those concepts race between censorship and exaggeration, concealing at times, and pushing hard at others.



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