Status Audio Magazine

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A Journey from Syria to Spain: How exile inspired the voice of singer Linda Alahmad

Linda Alahmad

Photo: Linda Alahmad at the “Las Damas de la Canción Árabe” (“The Ladies of Arab Song”) concert in 2019.
Interviewed by Raghad Makhlouf
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This interview is a conversation about music and diaspora, and how an artist could be inspired by hardships. From her exile to the pandemic, Syrian singer Linda Alahmad insists on finding new artistic ways to use her voice and expand her imagination to face the difficult reality she is living in through music.


Linda Alahmad
Linda Alahmad
Trained as a singer by the Syrian-Armenian singer Araks Shikajian.

Linda Al-Ahmad graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus / Syria in 2000. She was trained as a singer by the Syrian-Armenian singer Araks Shikajian from 2011 to 2016. Linda gained experience in the origins and history of oriental singing and maqamat through her studies under Professor Haitham Qatrib. She participated as a singer in the Syrian theatrical show "Caricature" in 2000, directed by the Syrian director Rafi Wahba.

She also participated in the Syrian series Four Seasons, in the role of a singer, directed by the Syrian director Hatem Ali. Linda Al-Ahmad has five solo songs that were recorded and written by Rafi Wahba, including two songs, "Her Name is Homs" and "A Hymn to Aleppo". Linda participated in the Women of Arab Singing Project in Spain with the participation of many Spanish, Syrian, Iranian and Tunisian musicians, where she sang Asmahan, Umm Kulthum and Fairouz. Linda also performed vocals with Spanish tenor singer Nacho Bass. Linda left Syria in 2012 for Lebanon, then moved four years later to settle with her family in Spain, where she lives today.

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