Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


The War on Yemen

Waddah al-Jaleel

Interviewed by Mona Kareem
{{langos=='en'?('25/04/2015' | todate):('25/04/2015' | artodate)}}
{{('20'=='10'?'onEnglish':'20'=='20'?'onArabic':'20'=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}

Waddah al-Jaleel discusses Yemen and Saudi intervention, political parties, and the aftermath of 2011 revolution.


Waddah al-Jaleel
Waddah al-Jaleel

He has worked for the Yemen Observatory for Human Rights and al­-Shahid newspaper.

Waddah al-­Jaleel is a Yemeni journalist and columnist based in Sana'a. He has worked for the Yemen Observatory for Human Rights and al­-Shahid newspaper. His articles appeared in many local and arabic publications, including Assafir newspaper.

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