Status Audio Magazine

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Politics in the Time of Corona / Politics in the Time of Corona - EP. 11: Anti-Asian Racism: A Feature of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Co-Founder of AAPI Women Lead, Connie Wun, discusses the anti-Asian racist reaction to the pandemic (Photo By Dev Chatterjee)
Politics in the Time of Corona
Politics in the Time of Corona - EP. 11: Anti-Asian Racism: A Feature of the COVID-19 Pandemic
{{langos=='en'?('14/04/2020' | todate):('14/04/2020' | artodate)}} - Issue 7.1

On anti-Asian racism: 14 April 2020

Jadaliyya's Noura Erakat and Bassam Haddad spoke with Connie Wun, Executive Director of AAPI Women Lead, about the increase in anti-Asian racist attacks in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the Interview:

Coronavirus and Anti-Asian Racism in the United States:

- 100 hate crimes against Asian Americans on average according to reports.
- Over 2,000 incidents of xenophobia and racism against Asian Americans.
- In New York City, Chinese businesses have seen a drop of 30-80 percent in sales.
- 47% of incidents occurred in businesses.
- Over 30% of incidents occurred in public spaces.
- Asian women were disproportionately targeted by racist incidents, with 70% of victims being female.
- 40% of incidents directed towards people of Chinese descent.
- Over ⅔ of incidents involved verbal harassment.


Connie Wun
Connie Wun

Researcher, Speaker, and Educator

Connie Wun, PhD, is the co-founder and Executive Director of AAPI Women Lead. She is also the founder of Transformative Research, a community-driven research consultancy. Her work on ending racial and gender-based violence is rooted in her personal experiences and political commitments. She’s been practicing yoga for 20 years and is a Muay Thai enthusiast.

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