Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}
Picture: Covers for Bassma Shaikho's publications.
In Their Own Voices: The Audio Divan of Modern Arabic Poetry
Poetry is Not a Mirror For Reality
{{langos=='en'?('02/09/2019' | todate):('02/09/2019' | artodate)}} - Issue 6.2
Hosted by Osama Esber

Osama Esber, host of "In Their Own Voices", speaks with the Syrian poet Bassma Shaikho about themes in her writing.


Bassma Shaikho
Bassma Shaikho

Faculty at the Arab International University in Syria.

Born in 1986, Bassma Shaikho is a Syrian poet who currently lives in Damascus. She teaches art at the Arab International University in Syria.
She has published four books of poetry:

1- The Last Inhabitant of Damascus.
2- Manipulation of Words
3- A sea that Fears Drowning.
4- The Gasp of Light

These books have been translated into German, English and Japanese.

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