Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Translation as an Act of Resistance

Thaer Dib

Interviewed by Rabie Mustapha , Sabah Jalloul
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Thaer Dib
Thaer Dib

Thaer Dib is a translator and writer from Syria. 

A writer and translator from Syria. He has a BA in medicine from Tishreen University in Syria and works in Tarjuman Unit, which belongs to “Arab Center for Policy Studies and Research”.

 He is a member of the consultative board of “Translating Knowledge”, launched by Bahraini Ministry of Culture in Cooperation with the Unesco.

 He worked also as an editor of “Foreign Literature Magazine” published by the Syrian Writers Union.

He also worked in the directory of writing and translation at the Syrian Ministry of Culture, and was editor-in- chief of Jusur magazine, which focused on translation and its studies.

Thaer Dib translated many books from English into Arabic for major authors including Edward Said and Benedict Anderson, Franco Moretti and others.

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