Status Audio Magazine

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Intersectionality and Queer Syrian Refugee-ness in Lebanon

Sabiha Allouche

Interviewed by Katty Alhayek
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Sabiha Allouche discusses her article "(Dis)-Intersecting Intersectionality in the Time of Queer Syrian Refugee-ness in Lebanon" that was published in the Summer issue of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research.


Sabiha Allouche
Sabiha Allouche

Sabiha’s thesis examines "everyday practices of love" in contemporary Lebanon

Sabiha is a PhD candidate in Gender Studies and a Senior/Teaching Fellow in Gender in the Middle East, and Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East at SOAS University of London. Sabiha’s thesis examines "everyday practices of love" in contemporary Lebanon. It draws on a yearlong fieldwork and works through a feminist frame in its unpacking of love and desire and their interplay with gender, class, and sect. Sabiha’s publications include an article in 2015 where she examines the stereotype of the "Angry Arab Man" through the framework of "affect theory" in order to show the affective interplay(s) between US foreign policy and media on the one hand, and their audience on the other.

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